Saturday, January 28, 2006

EU Approves Ban on ‘Homophobia’; Christians Remain Silent

The Christian Witness is a flickering flame in Europe. Mohammedanism is actually stronger in faith than Christianity in Europe. The object of the secular humanist liberal is against Christianity in America so much that even the ACLU promotes Mohammedan rights above Christianity. The only way to stop this agenda is to elect conservatives and insure that activist conservative judges replace liberal judges. Christophobia is becoming more and more popular in Western Culture. Christophobia is undermining morality in the West.

If America ever collapses it will not because of the economy or foreign wars. It will happen due moral depreciation. Secular Humanism debases our culture with a concept of relativitism. When Christians go to jail because of sermons or witnessing the goodness of the Gospel that will offend homosexuals, the days of persecution will have returned to the Western Church.

Here is a perspective from
The Scriptorium:
This WILL be coming to the United States next. The E.U. has outlawed “homophopbia”. Homophobia is defined as “an irrational fear and aversion of homosexuality and of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people based on prejudice, similar to racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism.” In other words, any views that do not accept homosexuality in all its forms as normal and morally acceptable. Our Supreme Court justices have said repeatedly that foreign laws should play a part in U.S. Supreme Court decisions, so you can bet they will be citing this resolution in decisions some time in the future. Sadly, proponents of this resolution in Britain referred to the mostly silent Christians in Europe as the “lunatic fringe”. We are seeing more of this kind of rhetoric from the left in the U.S., and it’s having the same affect. More and more, Christian denominations in the U.S. are remaining silent in the face of similar legislation. Either they remain silent, or as in the case of the Presbyterian church, the Methodists, and several others, they’ve taken up the cause of the secular left. Jesus did say the end would not come before the great apostasy.

The European Union has unanimously approved a resolution banning “homophobia.” A Christian attorney in Mississippi explains why that should concern the citizens of the United States.
The resolution, called “Homophobia in Europe,” defines homophobia as “an irrational fear and aversion of homosexuality and of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people based on prejudice, similar to racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism.” It calls for action against member states that do not implement programs directed at fair treatment of homosexuals in employment and occupation. It also seeks to “ensure that same-sex partners enjoy the same respect, dignity and protection as the rest of society.”
Steve Crampton, chief counsel for the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy, says although the resolution is not law, it could eventually affect the United States.
“Our Supreme Court seems enamored with citing to foreign sources of law,” Crampton observes. And if that mindset continues, he fears that “what happens in the European Union today is going to become the law and policy of America tomorrow.”
For that reason, the attorney advises that family advocates in the U.S. “absolutely … should be concerned about this — and we should be rising up right now before it’s too late,” he adds.
Crampton asserts that the EU resolution is just further proof that society is continuing its slide toward moral depravity. “When you consider that [approval of the measure came] by a vote of almost four-to-one — and it was basically a restatement of the radical homosexual agenda — there is great cause for concern for those of us who adhere to the traditional, biblical teachings that homosexual conduct is sinful,” he says.
The “Homophobia in Europe” resolution was passed by a vote of 468-149; there were 41 abstentions. Christians and conservatives did not protest the resolution, prompting one former member of Britain’s Parliament and a homosexual rights advocate to say that the “lunatic fringe” — Christians and conservatives — have learned that “it does not pay anymore to shout against gays and lesbians in the Parliament itself.”

1 comment:

SlantRight 2.0 said...

"Conservative Culture Blog" has a perspective pertaining to this same issue:

Speech Tax on conservative politician

The European Union which is still without a ratified Constitution has endorsed cracking down on ‘homophobia’. The resolution passed with a substantial margin of 468-149 and only 41 abstentions.

The resolution, called “Homophobia in Europe,” defines homophobia as “an irrational fear and aversion of homosexuality and of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender people based on prejudice, similar to racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism.” It calls for action against member states that do not implement programs directed at fair treatment of homosexuals in employment and occupation. It also seeks to “ensure that same-sex partners enjoy the same respect, dignity and protection as the rest of society.”

French politician learned that it doesn’t pay to speak up. Instead France is now creating a “pay to play” attitude if you speak incorrectly in the political realm. A member of the French National Assembly was fined 3,000 euro, plus 3,000 euro in damages to each of the three gay organizations that had taken him to court. In addition the politician will also have to pony up for the fees to publish the verdict in the ‘leftist newspaper’ LeMonde, the regional Lille daily La Voix du Nord and the weekly magazine L’Express.

It will be seen not only as an opportunity to punish freedom of speech (let alone thought) and find it a hand source of income. What would happen in America once Liberals discover that concept of taxing speech? Well, maybe they won’t do any more than call it a hate crime and throw the person in prison until they recant.

This is the standard that some Supreme Court Justices wanted to use to help shape opinion on the High Court? Get real. Unless of course you like a leftist, socialist and fascist style government.