Saturday, January 14, 2006

Gay Activists Intentionally Taint Blood Supply

This is incredible. Homosexuals of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance (it tainted my keyboard to even type that), decided to declare war on South African National Blood Service. The demented reasoning: "The request is a part of an ongoing national campaign to protest the SANBS policy of excluding men who engage in sexual activity with other men from donating blood." (Independent Online)

This takes place in South Africa but this organization is very active in America as well. Blood given by homosexuals should be a felony when the intent is the distribution of contaminated blood.

A "...shocking 65 percent of the gay men who donated blood without disclosing their sexual preference are unsure whether they are HIV- positive." (Independent Online)

The GLA should be at the very least a part of a class action civil suit punish them monetarily. Certainly consideration should be given for felony prison setences.

Homosexual organizations like the GLA are part of what is denerating morality in America. Any co-existent agenda with liberals or liberal Democrats are subverting American culture.

Christians need to stand up to relativist concepts of "political correctness," secular humanism and anti-Christianity. The only weapon the left group has is lies, twisted facts and self-appreciating egos. That is why Christianity is Right and the other side is Left.

Sources: Independent Online, Interested Participant and

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