Saturday, January 14, 2006

Are you ready for what is about to happen?

Jerry Golden brings out the belief that Iran already has nukes and probably has had them for some time. That is scary. All of the talk of the Iranian psycho-president may be an indication of Golden's belief. Ahmadinejad speaks of himself as a precursor to the coming Mahdi to bring world civilization to Mohammedanism. Could all this talk be an indication of a readiness to use nuclear weapons for a demented Islamofascist agenda?

Are you ready for what is about to happen?
Jerry Golden

Every true Believer in Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) has within his spirit a witness from the Ruach Ha Koddesh (Holy Spirit) that there are some really terrible days coming. The question every one is asking is when will these days begin, while many are labeling them as Daniels Troubles, or the End Days, Days of Awe, Tribulations, or the Great Tribulations, one thing is certain God is speaking to us and telling us as His beloved to get into His Word and know that He loves us, for it is God’s strength we will need to survive what is coming.

There is absolutely no way for the US, EU, UN or anyone else to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, in fact, I believe they have had a few ready to go for some time now, or they wouldn’t have been so brave. Many are now saying the US and Israel will join together in a strike against Iran sometime this spring. That remains to be seen, but one thing is certain something none of us is going to like much is about to happen.

What I find most interesting is the President of Iran Mahmoud’s Ahmadinejad’s feels that he is the John the Baptist for the Mahdi. For those who are not aware who the Mahdi is, he was the 12th Islamic Imam, he disappeared as a child in the year 941. Moslems believe that when he returns he will reign for 7 years and he will bring in the final judgment and the end of the world. In the Moslem’s eyes he is a sort of Messiah and the Christian anti-Christ all rolled up in one. A couple years ago I read a book written by Perry Stones jr. called “Unleashing the Beast”, great book that I highly recommend. It will give you some very valuable information concerning the Islamic belief concerning their Mahdi. You will be surprised of the parallels between this Moslem Mahdi and the Christian anti-Christ. In fact, some believe they will be one and the same.

There is however a really big problem confronting the US and Israel, it’s China and Russia. For one thing China will not allow the UN Security Counsel to go to far on sanctions, not that sanctions would do any good anyway. China has veto powers and will use it to stop the US from going to far against Iran. The reason is two fold, one China is the fastest growing economy in the world, and they have a great thirst for oil, they need Iran and the oil that comes out of the Persian Gulf. It is said that before the next 20 years China will consume the total amount of oil being produced today. The second reason is Iran is their largest buyer of arms, missiles and nuclear tech. You can be certain that if the US attacks Iran, China will come to their rescue.

The thing that they are over looking is while China, and the US are both looking at this from a natural point of view, Iran and the Islamic world are looking at it from a spiritual perspective. For them this is a spiritual war and their two enemies are the USA (the big Satan) and Israel whom they have hated since the days of Ishmael and Isaac. But with Islam there is an evil truth that comes straight from the pits of hell. Satan has prepared Islam for the past 1500 years as his end time weapon against the God of heaven and His chosen people.

Today the President of Iran Ahmadinejad is telling the Iranians to prepare for the coming of the Mahdi. In Iran there is a new messiah hotline that answers questions about the Mahdi and how and when he will return. You need to understand that this Iranian President is very serious about the Mahdi and believes it is his duty to be the forerunner preparing the way for his soon return, that when he does return he will bring about a global war against the corrupt west and destroy Israel and kill the Jews. He believes he can do in a few minutes with a nuclear bomb what Hitler couldn’t accomplish in two decades. I am not telling you anything new, you can get all this from the local news, it will just not be so straight but you can read between the lines. But the one thing I want you to recognize is the goals of Islam and Iran are the very same goals of Satan

We have been hearing about some suitcase nuclear bombs that have been spread around the US. There are also the constant rumors of Russian nuclear subs always just off the Atlantic and Pacific coast of the US. One thing is certain Russia and China will if not already make a decision that the US can’t win this war, and join in the war of destroying the US. They certainly are not friends of the US and will never be. It’s easy to see when such an attack would take place it would happen at the same time Iran unleashes it’s nuclear missiles towards Israel. They will completely stop any possibility of the US helping Israel, for they may not even be able to help themselves.

Folks this is the most serious times that have ever confronted the human race, and the United States has a President who has joined forces against Israel in forcing it to give up its God given right to its land. Only those who are founded in God’s Word will know that this is all about Satan and his struggle to prolong his reign on planet earth. That he knows the importance of Jerusalem and the returning of the Jews to the land God has promised them. The number one item on Satan’s list is to destroy Israel before the Jews can return and in the process to kill all the Jews in Israel. The Islamic satanic hatred for Jews cannot be seen in any other way. I know that only the very elect can see and understand what I’ve been called to do, but I ask those reading this to get on your knees and pray for your part of this ministry it is so very important. We are very close to the purchase price of the larger boat but hundreds of thousands of dollars will be needed to accomplish all that has been set before us. If we are not ready and have things in place when this all comes down it will simply be too late. We still have time but only God knows how much.

Israel will not be destroyed for my Bibles me that the Messiah will plant His feet on the Mount of Olives and that a great earthquake will take place, that water will run from the Temple Mount to the east and to the west, that the dead sea will be healed. Yes we do read that many will die that this isn’t going to be easy but many will survive and God will bring His chosen ones back to the land He promised them, because God said so, and they will come saying Baruch Ha Shem “Bless the name of God”. The Ministry God has called us to is not for the faint of heart, or the weak in spirit, but for those who know who God is. I know as you do that many are playing church or religion for whatever their reason, but I also know that God has collected together a group of His chosen ones to receive these reports and we will succeed, for God will finish what He has begun. But we have very little time, possibly far less than we know. I will be making several trips in the near future to Turkey and Cyprus, so much has to be done, and I am believing God to arrange contacts as the Ruach Ha Koddesh goes before us.

I just heard that in the US there are tornado warnings in Brooklyn New York, in January, and the following day a possible snowstorm. The west coast is flooding and the center of the country is burning. The Democrats insisting on the Supreme Court making certain that they keep murdering the unborn. I could go on and on but you know the rest of the story of the pornography and corruption. Islam is moving throughout the larger cities and has taken over the religious activities in prisons. Yet the Church is still sleeping, Pastors more concerned about their salaries and building projects than the souls of the people. Denominations still selling their man made easy believeism, pie in the sky and real estate programs. TV Multi millionaire Evangelist buying their summer homes in Europe and Lear jets wearing their diamond rings, living in million dollar homes, all this on the widows mite. Surely God will tell many that He never knew them. Sure I know many will not like what I am saying, but I’m not called to tickle the ears of Churchgoers, but to preach the truth. But the worse of all is a truth most Believer have not woken up to yet, that they are an extension to God’s chosen people and they are being called by God in this day to love Israel and the Jewish people. They are wild olive branches drafted into a Jewish root and it is way past time for them to understand that. I am happy to report that many have come to the knowledge that they are in fact now part of God’s plan through the salvation of a Jewish Messiah.

There are two things I do understand, the first is, we Jews are not so easy to love, that it takes a supernatural move of the spirit of God in ones life to accomplish that. The second is the mission God has called us to will not be understood by many for a variety of reasons. For I’ve known for a long time now that God will personally pick those who He wants to bless. Gen. 12:3

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for all those who have come to fight the Islamic enemy. Pray for this ministry and your part in it.

Shalom, jerry golden

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