Check this out:
This is not the first inklings of the actual existence of Iraqi WMD. Former high level military officials of Saddam Hussein like Georges Sada (Find Georges Sada on page) have said the WMD were moved to Syria. Dave Gaubatz which was part of a team sent to Iraq to look for WMD pointed the finger where to look; however he was mysteriously ignored.
Many of these people (American teams, former Hussein regime individuals, Israeli Intelligence and so on) have all had pretty credible evidence via spoken corroboration. Obviously most of these finger pointers have their own agenda for going public; nonetheless there are simply way too many people to ignore.
So here is the mystery I can’t wrap my mind around: With all the criticism the Bush Administration has been hammered with which led to the expulsion of Republican control of Congress in 2006; why has not the Bush Administration been more opportunistic to point to these sources for vindication?
Another mystery: What’s with the Duelfer Report that dismisses all this information as irrelevant publicly saying there were no WMD in Iraq?
Has the government become so polarized politically between Left and Right that a total lack of cooperation exists to mutually justify an Iraqi invasion? Is the Bush Administration the victim of American government scandal in the amount of support militarily given to Saddam Hussein prior to Iraq War 1 or prior to Iraq War 2 (or both)? Would the public information be so embarrassing to the American government (which would include Bush 1 and the Clinton years) that GW Bush is willing to be the target of a Left that knows it can get away with lies?
It is a mystery that I hope I live long enough for history to report all the cloak and dagger background concerning Saddam Hussein, America and WMD.
JRH 7/31/08
Don Bordenkircher – who served two years as national director of prison and jail operations in Iraq– told WND that about 40 prisoners he spoke with "boasted of being involved in the transport of WMD warheads to Syria.
A smaller number of prisoners, he said, claimed "they knew the locations of the missile hulls buried in Iraq."
This is not the first inklings of the actual existence of Iraqi WMD. Former high level military officials of Saddam Hussein like Georges Sada (Find Georges Sada on page) have said the WMD were moved to Syria. Dave Gaubatz which was part of a team sent to Iraq to look for WMD pointed the finger where to look; however he was mysteriously ignored.
Many of these people (American teams, former Hussein regime individuals, Israeli Intelligence and so on) have all had pretty credible evidence via spoken corroboration. Obviously most of these finger pointers have their own agenda for going public; nonetheless there are simply way too many people to ignore.
So here is the mystery I can’t wrap my mind around: With all the criticism the Bush Administration has been hammered with which led to the expulsion of Republican control of Congress in 2006; why has not the Bush Administration been more opportunistic to point to these sources for vindication?
Another mystery: What’s with the Duelfer Report that dismisses all this information as irrelevant publicly saying there were no WMD in Iraq?
Has the government become so polarized politically between Left and Right that a total lack of cooperation exists to mutually justify an Iraqi invasion? Is the Bush Administration the victim of American government scandal in the amount of support militarily given to Saddam Hussein prior to Iraq War 1 or prior to Iraq War 2 (or both)? Would the public information be so embarrassing to the American government (which would include Bush 1 and the Clinton years) that GW Bush is willing to be the target of a Left that knows it can get away with lies?
It is a mystery that I hope I live long enough for history to report all the cloak and dagger background concerning Saddam Hussein, America and WMD.
JRH 7/31/08
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