Friday, July 04, 2008

McDonalds Fully Supports Homosexual Agenda

Today is Independence Day. Independence Day in America has become a time of outdoor and/or family get-togethers and enjoying fireworks displays.

This is all good because it is a rare time that most Americans put aside political differences for a day of fun and entertainment.

Unfortunately I suspect it is a day that most Americans do not comprehend the blood, sweat and personal sacrifice that American Revolutionaries experienced in gaining the freedom of self-governance from a then one of the most powerful nations in the world – Great Britain.

The Brits certainly looked upon the upstart Revolutionaries as political gnats daring to with stand British sovereignty and a threat to the colonial system of economics that benefited the British Empire.

Ergo the Brits of the day decided to squash the pipsqueak American colonials by any means necessary to preserve British honor and economics (certainly an overstated simplification on my part but you get the idea).

What the Brits did not understand is that American colonialism developed under two premises: Individuals and groups seeking a better economic life unattainable in the Mother England AND religious refugees that honored God but not necessarily accepted by the State Church of England.

The first marked the embracement of individualism the later laid the foundation for Christian morality in colonial America.

Secular Humanism and its spawn such as homosexual activist are attempting to negate the Christian heritage that America was founded upon.

And now Secular Humanist offshoot activists like the homosexual rights groups are doing everything in their power to convince Americans and the rule of law that homosexuality is a normal lifestyle that deserves validated equal protection under the American rule of law. In doing this agenda homosexuals have also done everything in their power to discredit Biblical Christianity as an archaic group of bigots who are prejudiced against their gender-bending deviancy.

That is the key by the way: Biblically homosexuality is deviant behavior that should be abhorred in the same category as pornography, pedophilia, prostitution and other sexual deviancy that has manipulated the First Amendment beyond its intent with concurrence of a Leftist Judiciary and NOT the American voters.

With this in mind I compelled to support (and ask others to support) the
American Family Associations (AFA) war of exposing billion dollar corporations who actually pump money into the coffers of deviant homosexual activist organizations who goal is to transform American perceptions of right and wrong or what is moral or immoral based on Secular Humanisms concept of moral relativity.

The unabashed support of the Homosexual Agenda by the McDonalds Corporation is the latest task of the AFA.
Read about it HERE.

JRH 7/4/08

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