Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Leftist MSM still would have you believe Bush is a Goat

Five hundred and fifty metric TONS of yellow cake uranium was secretly removed from Iraq to a “port in Canada” which will be processed for use in energy producing nuclear reactors. The point is though the yellow cake is of the quality used to initiate the creation of nuclear WMD.


My God the Left has been blasting the Bush Administration that no WMD was found in Iraq thus the liar’s motto “Bush lied, people died.”

Hello! The Yellow Cake is smoking gun evidence that Saddam Hussein was at the very least preparing to make nuclear WMD.

And what of
Valerie Plame’s husband Joe Wilson saying there was no deal between Niger and Iraq for Yellow Cake? Hmm … Iraq does not have Uranium naturally in it nation. Could Wilson and Plame be part of a Leftist propaganda machine to darken President Bush’s credibility when Bush could not respond in total to the lies for National Security reasons?

The war in Iraq is legitimate.

Now Iran is even closer to nuclear weaponry than Iraq was. What are we going to do about it?

I know what the Left wants to do about it. NOTHING!

Source Links:,2933,376747,00.html

These are all AP wire stories picked up by Yahoo News, Fox News and CBC News. I have read that the AP itself may have taken the story down on its own website. If that is true what does that tell you of one of the largest Wire Services of the Mainstream Media? It tells you that a front page news story might make Bush a hero instead of a goat and that the MSM does not want that to happen to make Republicans look good during Election 2008.

What a bunch of Leftist hypocrites!

JRH (Hat tip to a language colorful post at the Military Brotherhood)

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