Sunday, July 27, 2008

Freedom is NOT a License to Break the Law

Tonight on the Fox News channel I watched a special on the alarming prevalence of honor killings occurring in America. From memory the nations referenced were Mohammedans from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt.

I also remember the Fox News channel reporting that the U.N. condemned honor killing; however twenty-two Mohammedan nations refused to be signatories of the Assembly Resolution. Let write that again: TWENTY-TWO!

Fox News trying to live up to its moniker of fair and balanced also interviewed a Muslim council representing Pakistani Mohammedans in the American location of an honor killing. The Mohammedan spokesman said that the crime perpetrated in the name of honor has nothing to do with Islam. The spokesman said this even though the Mohammedan murderer of his own daughter awaited police to pick him up and through the course of his legal journey admitted that killing his daughter for family honor is something he does not regret. Keep in mind the murderer was a devout Mohammedan in America that found a way to pray towards Mecca five times a day.

Now I find this
WorldNetDaily article reporting on a British survey that found one in three Mohammedan students in Britain’s elite universities (meaning NOT impoverished people, which Lefties claim is the leading cause of radical Islam) believe it is just fine to kill in the name of Islam (Mohammedanism).

I write this enlightening information about Mohammedanism flabbergasted that I still receive comments from Lefties and Mohammedans that I am a “hatemonger.” I was remarkably accused of this by a Navy man stationed in San Diego (
HERE and HERE). This does not have a clue why he is in the American military and he told me, he and others like are the ones that NEED TO WAKE UP. Mohammedanism is a threat to American and Western culture and Mohammedan immigrants in America (at the very least) need to submit to American rule of law or get out.

Is that hate? NO! It’s the rule of law. Sharia Law is not the American rule of law. The Mohammedan scriptures which promote hate as an
abrogation to Mohammedan peace scriptures, needs active theological reformation (again – at least in America).

Freedom of Religion DOES NOT extend to murder any more than Freedom of Speech extends to hollering FIRE in a crowded theatre when in fact there is no fire.

JRH 7/27/08

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