Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Paleocon Buckley Passed Away Today

William F. Buckley Jr. died today at the age of 82. I did not always see I to eye with Buckley since his was more of a rigid Paleocon and I leaning toward a Neocon; however it must be said he was a bastion of Conservatism in a day when it was ridiculed as followers without intellect and the true political giants were the supposed intellectual Left Wing Liberals.

Buckley did not buckle and demonstrated an intellectual wit that diminished a Lefty even if the person had key factual points to support an argument. Buckley was no moron as the Leftists of his day considered a Conservative in the 50’s and 60’s. Lefties might think twice before locking horns a truly superior political intellect with a remarkable command of the English language.

I cancelled my RSS feed of Buckley today when I read that he had left this world for the next. My RSS feed was from Yahoo and Buckley last post about a debate between Obama and Hillary had. The article was dated February 1, 2008.

I wonder if any of
Buckley’s observations will prescient of the race.


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