Thursday, February 28, 2008

Obama and his Anti-Israel Friends

I posted suspicions about Barack Hussein Obama’s allegiances regardless of his public profession of Christianity and his public stipulation that close ties would be imperative with our ally Israel if elected President.

I openly wondered just how believable Obama’s assertions are considering his association with people that have been mentors or are current mentors (personally or from afar). These influential people in Obama’s life
have been Louis Farrakhan and his UMC Pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. Also Obama has associated with pro-terrorist individuals in fund raisers. And apparently has developed a friendship with Weathermen terrorists who were American anti-war Lefties that murdered people to bring attention to their message.

I openly wondered how the Mainstream Media (MSM) and even Conservatives do not want to rock the boat of Obama’s charismatic popularity. The MSM because they primarily Leftist and they think they have found the man that hasten America’s change to the delusion of an American utopia. The Conservatives because it is Politically Incorrect call Obama on his assertions as opposed to his associations. Unfortunately we all know that Political Correctness is the current paradigm of the ages in Western/American Government and polite society in general.

A bold person stepping up to the plate to ask the tough questions about Obama would be condemned as the
falsely maligned Joe McCarthy looking for a witch hunt to victimize innocent people.

Here is another news article by a News Service outside of the MSM.
Cybercast News Service asks the questions about why Obama’s website has links to Mohammedan-American organizations promoting their events.

You might ask, “So what?”

Some of these organizations are Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS). ISNA was an
unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF trial which was about funding Arab-Palestinian terrorists Hamas. ICNA has promoted Islamist terrorist speakers to come to event in America and terrorist expert Steven Emerson has noted ICNA’s close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The MAS was founded as the American branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and has tried to deceive the public with anti-terrorist rhetoric.

I know I have a lot of links to back up my assertions and you should check them out.

Can Americans seriously potentially elect Obama as President with all of these associations directly and indirectly linked to his political career? What does Obama really mean with his slogan of “Change?”


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