Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gabriel: Do We Have The Will?

Here is an important message from Brigitte Gabriel founder of American Congress for Truth and ACT for America. Both websites are dedicated to educating Americans about the very real threat of Islamism (and some would say of Islam) to the American way of life. Islamists seek to transform the globe into their vision of Mohammedanism after the actions and sayings of the cruel man Mohammed as he brought death and destruction and the initiation of an empire. This empire would maintain cohesion of Theo-political cult that inspired fanatic devotion to the violent way of Mohammed.

The e-newsletter is entitled, “Do We Have The Will? Part One.” It really is a synopsis of a book written by Lee Harris. Here is a snippet of what Gabriel says of Harris’ book:

“… The Suicide of Reason: Radical Islam’s Threat to the West, argues convincingly that one of the reasons “radical Islam” is such a looming and powerful threat is because most people in the West, including our government leaders, fail to understand the nature of the threat and lack the will to resist it.”

This is powerful stuff!

JRH 2/12/08

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