Saturday, February 04, 2006

Winning Our War

I am convinced that the fact that we are in a war is a matter of denial to the Democratic Party.Islamofascists are slowly winning the hearts and minds of all Mohammedans as evidenced by the rage displayed over Western cultural free speech.

Europe is beginning to experience the emergence of their secularism versus Islamofascist ideology. I say emerging because the nature of this beast will evolve. Currently the clash of civilizations is Secular against Islamofascism. The next step will be the Western Way of life opposed to Mohammedanism. Then from a religious American perspective it will be Christianity opposed to Mohammedanism. This will turn into a twenty-first century version of the Crusades. The biggest tragedy of the twenty-first century Crusades will be the possibility of the usage of WMD.

This will be the period of time in which we see who has the correct faith. Christians believe Jesus Christ will return as the Messiah to deliver humanity from bondage to a dark civilization influenced by Satan. Mohammedans believe the Mahdi will return establish Mohammedanism on the planet. Athiests believe our the culture is the sum of what humanity makes it. In a WMD clash I pray it is Christ that is correct, all other options will be radioactive gloom and nuclear winter or devasting plague.

Frank Gaffney has a book out that I have heard of and which I would like to read - "War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World" . Below is a short analysis of that book. It sounds intriguing.
Winning Our War
Right Face Blog

A fascinating new book is available. "War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World" by Frank Gaffney and other contributors. Gaffney takes the work of thirty-five U.S. foreign policy and defense analysts and creates a comprehensive strategy for winning the war against Islamist jihadists.

What are the 10 steps?

1. Know the enemy.
2. Really support U.S. troops.
3. Provide for the country's energy security.
4. Stop investing in terror.
5. Equip the country for war at home.
6. Counter the mega-threat: an EMP attack.
7. Secure U.S. borders and the interior against illegal immigration.
8. Wage political warfare.
9. Launch regional initiatives.
10. Wield effective diplomacy.

A lot of things in the book go along with much of what Lt Col Ralph Peters has written in the past. See more about this book and get a sneak peak at War Footing.

1 comment:

SlantRight 2.0 said...

My friend Izrafil I am radically enraptured in the Father, Son and Holy Spririt of Christianity. I am dedicated to the Holy of Word of God as fulfilled in Christ (to Christians meaning the New Testament has preeminence and that the Old Testament is Truth and/or fulfilled in Christ). The Old Testament Commandments are valid except where Christ fulfills the action.Hence Jesus Christ is the last High Priest. There are no sacrices of blood because Jesus Christ is the sacrifice on the Cross that fulfills all the Temple sacrifices. Much of Old Testament draconian law is no longer valid because their reason is fulfilled in Christ. This is especially the reason as to why humanity who commit atrocity in Christ's Name err with great folly.

You seem a reasonable guy, however in my faith you are as deluded by darkness as you consider my faith to be deceived.I doubt we will ever agree.

Nonetheless, I welcome your perspective (though I will often disagree) for it prevents me from falling into the trap of anger. The trap that many a human from a religionist to atheist falls into for it is an emotion of the flesh.

I noticed you posted somewhere else, I will to get to that latter. I just finished watching the Super Bowl and my team lost. :-(
I'll get back to blogging tomorrow.