What has happened is a number of European newspapers have published cartoons of Mohammed (or alternate spelling: Muhammad) in their publications in support of a Danish newspaper that did the same. Mohammedans went ballistic threatening every thing from sanctions (from nations) to death (from Islamofascist terrorists).
These newspapers have done these publications to show solidarity with the Danish newspaper. For once I am proud to see the spirit of Appeasement being withstood by Europeans. I sense Europeans are finally becoming fed up with unreasonable adherance to Mohammedan claims. Could it be that Islamofascism will finally have a united front begin to stand against the ideology. Let us pray so in the Name and Power of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Muhammad cartoon row intensifies
BBC News
1 February 2006
Newspapers across Europe have reprinted caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to show support for a Danish paper whose cartoons have sparked Muslim outrage.
France Soir, Germany's Die Welt, La Stampa in Italy and El Periodico in Spain all carried some of the drawings.
Their publication in Denmark has led to protests in Arab nations, diplomatic sanctions and death threats.
Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet, but media watchdogs defend press freedom to publish the images.
Reporters Without Borders said the reaction in the Arab world "betrays a lack of understanding" of press freedom as "an essential accomplishment of democracy."
'Sense of sacred'
In Berlin, the prominent daily Die Welt ran a front-page caricature of the prophet wearing a headdress shaped like a bomb.
The paper argued there was a right to blaspheme in the West, and asked whether Islam was capable of coping with satire.
"The protests from Muslims would be taken more seriously if they were less hypocritical," it wrote in an editorial.
France Soir said it had reprinted the full set to show that "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society.
Under the headline "Yes, we have the right to caricature God", the daily carried a front-page cartoon of Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods floating on a cloud.
It shows the Christian deity saying: "Don't complain, Muhammad, we've all been caricatured here."
Responding to France Soir's move, the French government said it supported press freedom - but added that beliefs and religions must be respected.
French Muslims spoke out against the pictures.
The president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), Dalil Boubakeur, described France Soir's move as an act of "real provocation towards the millions of Muslims living in France".
Theologian Sohaib Bencheikh said "one must find the borders between freedom of expression and freedom to protect the sacred".
"Unfortunately, the West has lost its sense of the sacred," he wrote in a column accompanying the cartoons in France Soir.
The publication in Denmark of the images last September has provoked diplomatic sanctions and threats from Islamic militants across the Muslim world.
Dozens of protesters from a small Islamic party demonstrated in front of the Danish embassy in Ankara on Wednesday, the Associated Press reports.
Ministers from 17 Arab countries on Tuesday urged Denmark's government to punish Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the caricatures, for what they described as an "offence to Islam".
Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated this week in the Gaza Strip.
Syria and Saudi Arabia have recalled their ambassadors to Denmark, while Libya said it was closing its embassy in Copenhagen and Iraq summoned the Danish envoy to condemn the cartoons.
The offices of Jyllands-Posten, had to be evacuated on Tuesday because of a bomb threat.
The paper had apologised a day earlier for causing offence to Muslims, although it maintained it was legal under Danish law to print them.
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen welcomed the paper's apology, but defended the freedom of the press.
30 Sept: Danish paper Jyllands-Posten publishes cartoons
20 Oct: Muslim ambassadors in Denmark complain to Danish PM
10 Jan: Norwegian publication reprints cartoons
26 Jan: Saudi Arabia recalls its ambassador
30 Jan: Gunmen raid EU's Gaza office
31 Jan: Danish paper apologises
1 Feb: Papers in France, Germany, Italy and Spain print cartoons
A similar and enlightening related story over at American Thinker: http://americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=5211.
It looks like the Muslims overplayed their hand. Finally a line is draw. It’s a first step for Europe.
Here is another comment from The American Thinker: "Sharia's global reach and a free press.(Link: http://americanthinker.com/comments.php?comments_id=4335)
It is becoming apparent (at least in blogosphere) that the West is getting fed up with Islamofascist political correctness (or is that correction).
My poor deluded false christian monkey. The first point I would like to raise is wether Jesus Christ is God? Or is he the son of God? Or is he both? If we entertain the thought that he is the son of God... then who is the father of God, the grand father of Jesus (pbuh)? Or may be I should ask who was his grand mother on his father's side of the big celestial family?
Have you ,the false christians, become so deluded in your fake New Testament that you do not know whether you are coming or going? Whether God is God or Jesus is God? Or the son of God??? If God then can have a son, as you pretentious liars proclaim, then God has a mother, father, aunty, and cousins and why not half brothers and sisters??
The Koran and Old Testament both talk only of one God and no son of God. Surely one of the apostle or someone influenced by Satan decided to trick today's christians into believing that God is like us, of human nature to the extent of bearing children with a female human. God who created the planets, the galaxies, the sun, the moon and life has lost His balls.... and the only way to communicate with us is to send his only son.. as God needs a holiday! He cannot be taken up with worldly affairs..this line of thinking is of a primitive understanding of God .....On the other hand the Koran teaches me that God knows everything, not a leaf moves without his knowledge..the Koran also teaches me to protect the oppressed, the orphans, the destitute, to give alms to the poor.... to be on the side of the oppressed, that Jesus (pbuh) is not God or son of God but a very special prophet, that Muhammad (pbuh) is his last messenger and to bear allegiance to only one unseen God.
May be you false christians profess so much freedom as to allow that the depiction of your fake gods to be ridiculed in cartoons, portrayed in porno movies, or sold on the supermarket shelves... Because you have lost your sense of respect for what is holy, religion and God Himself you expect all of us to kiss the Devil's butt and embrace your line of thinking, and your so called freedom....If you want to discredit the Koran please find whole verses and see why it is of a violent nature and in what context it is being said, not sentences that you pick out to prove your satanic views.
The Koran does teach us about Jihad, warfare and no fear for the enemy too..you can see that as violence...but to me it all makes perfect sense, especially in this world where freedom and democracy, the illusion of satan, supports and encourages this destruction of morality and God.
Again I ask you who are the real christians? And as for the links to anti muslim sites, here is one you should check out
the only difference here is that this is a Hindu site (not muslim as you would imagine). As for Darfur let us not forget the genocides of muslims by christians in former Yugoslavia. The Sudanesse are mostly illiterate savages but not the Christian Bosnian Serbs of the West.....
Hey my dear Mohammedan friend izrafil, how ya doing?
Now Izrafil, Jesus does not have a grandpa because the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost are one person and an instrument of love. Unlike the devil pretending to be Gabriel who deluded your uncle Mohammed into to believing into a satanic figure called allah is god.
And yes the Old Testament does point to Jesus as the Son of God and yes the Koran is a wonderment of literature, but hardly anything divine. The Koran is a book of hatred rattled of by a demonized Mohammed.
The real Christians are anyone who calls Jesus Christ Lord, believes he did for your sins and mine, that Jesus arose bodily from the dead by the power of the Father of whom He sits in unison at His right hand and a Christian is anyone who does what Jesus does.
God bless you in Jesus name Izrafil. May the peace that comes with the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ be with you and on you. In Jesus Holy and Infinite Name, Amen!
To view and read the FrontPage article about the Mohammedan cartoons go to "Cartoon Rage vs. Freedom of Speech" at http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21127.
I often wonder why on earth we fight over religion. After all, aren't we all muslims, christians, hindu, buddhists, children of the same God?
I agree with Mr. Izrafil that in contemporary society the respect for everything sacred has declined, as well as the respect for those who believe in the sacred.
I am a christian who has read the Koran and the Bible. The Koran is a book that promotes peace and tolerance, not violence. I advise other christians to read the Koran, so they will better understand the Islam.
I don't like it that we fight around and waste our time, when in fact there are so many problems in the world to solve, like starvation and diseases. We could better solve that together.
I am ashamed, as a European, about how the European newspapers dealt with the cartoons. It is such a lack of respect towards others. If we want to live in peace, we have to respect each other.
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