It is good to have a Middle Eastern view from someone who is there. Jerry Golden is a Messianic Jew who is a citizen of Israel. He often reports news from a Jewish Christian perspespective and what I have for you is exactly that.
Jerry's report basically is about Israel is surrounded by self-proclaimed enemies that has one goal to destroy Israel or to support those who wish to destroy Israel.
Posted: Monday, February 20, 2006
- written by jerry golden
The Golden Report
Over the past few days I have entertained the thought of writing a nicer and gentler article, after all we don’t like reading about gloom and dome all the time. So I thought if I write you an article about all is well and pie in the sky and don’t worry be happy you’d like me more. But the Ruach Ha Koddesh (Holy Spirit) spoke to me and reminded me that I am not running for a popularity contest, that what is needed is the truth. So I have spent the past few days praying about what is the truth, you see to me or to you the truth is how we perceive it or what we are willing to accept. When in fact, the truth has absolutely nothing to do with what you or I believe it to be. The truth is the truth if it hair lips us both.
One of the problems we are faced with is sorting through all the misinformation and information that come across our computers these days. What I find interesting is how many people who claim to have the gift of Discernment, who even call themselves Prophets will tell you that certain things are the truth and we should take heed. Only to find out later that it wasn’t true at all. But somehow they stay on the internet scene with more of their prophecies only to lead many more down a slippery sloop to confusion, but we all know that God is not the author of confusion. When God does give a Word of Knowledge or Prophecy to a man or women they find it difficult to get the message out without it falling into the confusion of so many.
With Hamas taking over the PA and openly declaring themselves an enemy of Israel and their purpose is to destroy the Jewish State. It makes it much easier for Israel to do what it should have done long ago to destroy its enemy once and for all. But that is easier to say than to do, we are talking about an enemy who hides behind its women and children. Who strikes in the dark or by brainwashed Islamic fanatics who wrap bombs around themselves to kill us in our café’s, buses and public places, an enemy who starts with the brainwashing in their kindergartens and continues with their hate on state controlled media on a 24/7 basis.
Hamas is closely associated with the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt that was formed by the Nazis before the second world war. And today is financed by Iran who is openly saying we must be destroyed and even wiped off the map. At least they do realize we are on the map, I guess that is some improvement.
Now we have Russia and even Turkey going against Israel, US and the EU and holding talks with the elected Hamas terrorists as if they have changed their charter. Jordan who Israel has a peace treaty with has openly embraced Hamas and allowed them to establish offices in Amman. The late King Hussein kicked Hamas out of Jordan for fear they were trying to take over his Kingdom much like Arafat did and was also kicked out on what is known as black September when Jordan killed over 10,000 “Palestinians” while the world kept quiet about it.
In the meantime Islam is terrorizing Europe and the world over some cartoons that shows their lying Prophet for what he really is, who do you think they are beginning to pour their hate out on, you got it, us Jews. In France many Jews are being spit on and beaten, one was just kidnapped, tortured and stabbed many times left naked in the streets and died on the way to the hospital. Jewish men in France no longer feel free to wear their Kippah in public for fear of being attacked. The same thing is happening throughout all of Europe and it won’t be long before Jews will once again be running for their lives.
There is only one place on earth where a Jew can live as a Jew and have their own army to protect themselves that is of course Israel. God has by His right hand and by the power of the Ruach Ha Koddesh brought the Jews back to the land He promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and if you believe that, then you are a Zionist. And when he re-established His chosen people back on the land He promised them He then revised a Holy Language, no other miracle in modern times can compare to this one. It began the second advent and started the time table of the second coming of Messiah Yeshua, and if you’re Jewish and don’t know Yeshua as Messiah you will when He comes as Messiah and plants His feet on the Mount of Olives, for every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is the Messiah sent by God.
What is troubling is the events that build up to this wonderful event. Matt. 24 and Luke 21. For many things are about to happen that we all can now see without any great Prophet telling us. In fact, I some times think it is those who have their heads in a hole and could care less are blessed. And it seems the more you know about world politics and religions the darker things seem to appear. Or when you discover what is happening to our ecology with the ice caps melting, and the wicked weather getting worse each year. Put on top of that the wrath of God who can direct even hurricanes to places like New Orleans and the Mississippi coast, Job 37: 9-13.
The one thing this messenger can be absolutely certain of, God has spoken to him and given him a Ministry, and to his dying breath if necessary he will work towards accomplishing that commission. Another thing I am certain of, God has confirmed this ministry to many others who have yet to be obedient, and they are called as part of this great end time work for God. Many have been obedient and much has been accomplish, we now have the first boat, and are moving towards the larger boat that must be purchased soon. Groundwork has been done in Cyprus and Turkey and much more must be done and soon. God has added those who He would to this ministry and I know many others will come when we are ready for them. Much training must be done with those who do come. Many God has already done a work within them they are not even aware of. What we are called to do is not without danger, but in God there is no fear only a love to serve God’s Kingdom purposes. The only real problem we are having at this time is the lack of finances and we know God is speaking to many before it all becomes worthless to them. Many thousands are needed, not just the money to purchase the larger boat, but other things concerning groundwork and the maintenance of the boats.
I am asking everyone who has been called to this Ministry in Israel to pray like they have never prayed before I know that God will speak to you and give you a number, then you must be obedient, time is so very important, don’t hesitate.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers and pray for all those who have come to fight the Islamic enemy. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it.
jerry golden
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
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