You would think an Ivy League Western minded (even if Left oriented) University like Harvard would recognize the evils of Sharia Law and the wholly incompatibility that Mohammedan aspect of the rule of law has with the rule of law in the more evolved Western tradition.
I am stunned that Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman is promoting Sharia Law as a viable rule of law in the West. It is even more stunning that Professor Feldman has Jewish roots in his lineage. I am uncertain if a possessor of Jewish heritage has embraced the medieval brutality of Professor Feldman is a practicing Jew (Orthodox – doubtful, Conservative or Reformed) or one of many secularist (sometimes atheist) Left leaning Jews that deny their faith but embrace their Jewish heritage. Perhaps Professor Feldman has renounced Judaism and Jewishness altogether in his personal belief system. But what is stunning is that as Westerner and Sharia Law.
Read this review (and criticism) of a Feldman lecture of such a position taken:
JRH 4/22/08
Of course we dont want that!We want to live like we have always done FREE!!! If we want our mothers, sisters and daughter to walk around with there mini skirts shaking their cute little you know what and tight fitting tank tops showing their sexy you know what. And sending them later to our legal strip club or porn directors to shoot some you know what. I mean just becoz that would never be the case in a muslim country under sharia law and the muslim do not allow for great fun like that it does not mean that we all need to to dress up our woman in chadors.
And then why do we want to behead rapists ,prison terms is good enough i mean poor soul so many sexy tight you know what walking around and he cant get any whats he gonna do?
What will happen to the bars selling alcohol?
Strip joints?
Thriving porno industry?
Beauty pageant?
Our love for adultery???
Actually I think you have just given a good description of the duplicity and double standard in Islam. Mohammedan males partake of all the sins that exploitation of freedom offers while Mohammedan women are beaten, jailed or stoned to death in an Islamofascist intolerant society in the name of the religion of peace.
Mohammedans use the excuse of Mohammedanism to rape western women who dress the way you describe or participate in pornography of the kafir (because those women are meant to be exploited right?), or commit adultery with a kafir woman or in the eyes of the commit bigamy by practicing polygamy.
And sex? My God, kill a few kafir and possibly yourself and enjoy eternal pornographic pleasures with 72 virgins in paradise.
Get real dude!
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