Well so much for the Badar family dealing Muqtada al-Sadr privately as a family matter. Al-Sadr apparently is gaining confidence from rogue Iran that wishes to carve out a Middle Eastern hegemonic power base in the Middle East.
The Yahoo News source I just read implied al-Sadr is prepared to engage the U.S. military on a full scale basis in order to carve out his own Iraqi mini-state. Let’s see, what that State be called? Perhaps it would be called the Mahdi Republic or perhaps al-Sadr would just proclaim al-Sadr’s fiefdom a new part of the Shi’ite Islamofascist Republic of Iran.
Hello, its another play for oil power in the Middle East. It is somewhat like Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait to usurp oil for more money to rebuild Iraq after Iraq-Iran War ceased.
This could be another move on the chess board of war preparations between Iran and America: Patraeus was elevated to CentCom Commander so Iran elicits pressure from client terrorist al-Sadr.
JRH 4/24/08
The Yahoo News source I just read implied al-Sadr is prepared to engage the U.S. military on a full scale basis in order to carve out his own Iraqi mini-state. Let’s see, what that State be called? Perhaps it would be called the Mahdi Republic or perhaps al-Sadr would just proclaim al-Sadr’s fiefdom a new part of the Shi’ite Islamofascist Republic of Iran.
Hello, its another play for oil power in the Middle East. It is somewhat like Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait to usurp oil for more money to rebuild Iraq after Iraq-Iran War ceased.
This could be another move on the chess board of war preparations between Iran and America: Patraeus was elevated to CentCom Commander so Iran elicits pressure from client terrorist al-Sadr.
JRH 4/24/08
The greatest worldwide thief is the blue eyed devil! Every where he goes there is only destruction, mayhem and death. Wake up buddy who is more blood thirsty for oil? The answer is the west and Usa!! You are just as fucking moron talking shit through your fat blue eyed ass.
Have fun for now as the BIG DRAGON China will soon kick your fat crap talking butt into chowmein. Have fun!!!
There may indeed by a show down between America and China over oil. God forbid if China wins, then the Middle East would truly understand the brutality of an atheistic nation.
Mohammedans have their eye on Israel, USA and the West; however it is the largest persecutor of all religions that makes torture done by Mohammedans look like a picnic. Under Mao tse Tung (or which ever way you choose to write his name), China slaughtered over 35 MILLION people to re-educate and eradicate religion. A program still continued to this day against all religions and particularly focused on Christians, Buddhists (Tibet) and Mohammedans.
If you are a Mohammedan, you are a dumb ass to think China will not slaughter Mohammedans if they win such a confrontation with America. If you are a Communist, you are a dumb ass for supporting such a murderous government.
In fact look at list of genocides and note that America is not even on the list; however the rogue governments of the Middle East main suppliers of weapons are number one and two.
Oil is indeed an economic weapon used as an excuse for National Interests of Super Powers and imposing global intolerance by third rate Mohammedan nations that have oil under their ground.
You know the third rate power nations will not win an oil war. You had better hope America wins if such a war arises. We re-build those we defeat, not slaughter them.
Who did you say was blood thirsty for Oil?
Your list is written by the Usa itselt and a big lie. Vietnam is the American genocide and before that the genocide of the american indians who are still suffering under the invaders. Dont fool yourself we are not that dumb.
"We re-build those we defeat, not slaughter them."The lie of millennium
You steal,kill,rape,spread diseases,fornication,pornography,alcohol etc.
Anonymous now I know you are a moron. That list was compiled NOT by the US Government but by one of the Left Wing universities in America. In fact I'd say Berkley is so deluded in its Leftism that they support Islamofascist Mohammedans over America in the Global War on Terror.
You said: "You steal,kill,rape,spread diseases,fornication,pornography,alcohol etc."
That is the perfect description of a Mohammedan except maybe the alcohol (which is replaced by smoking drugs).
So Wake-Up America! This is the kind of deluded lies that Middle Eastern Mohammedans or American-Islamist Mohammedans truly believe. Even revisionist Leftist Academics disagree with the Mohammedan mind!
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