Saturday, April 05, 2008

Mohammedanism Superior to UK Law of the Land

The Islamization of the United Kingdom has become evident. The UK is a Western Nation last time I looked at a map. That would mean the Judeo-Christian heritage is an influence on the land. O yeah, I just remembered. The Church of England is a State Church in the UK.

Well I just found this tidbit of information about a Mohammedan speeding in his automobile at more than twice the speeding limit which according to the Scottish part of the UK is illegal enough to have your Driver’s License revoked or so reports the
Pirate’s Cove Blog.

The Scottish Judge was remarkably sympathetic to the Mohammedan’s plea to have the law of the land not apply to him. He is a good Mohammedan and has two wives that live in two different places. The pious Mohammedan, who surely prays to Mecca five times daily, needs his automobile to drive betwixt the two wives to fulfill his Mohammedan conjugal obligations.

So of course Scottish Justice should not take away the Mohammedan’s license to drive for serving the Mohammedan higher good is superior to the law of land and of course a endangering a kafir’s life is irrelevant to the superiority of Mohammedanism.

Evidently the Scottish Judge agreed. The Mohammedan kept his license and had to a 200 Pound Sterling fine. The fine was probably no problem because in Mohammedan law you are allowed up two four wives but only if you can afford to take care of the poor deluded sex-slave wives. Also the Scottish Judge overlooked the law in which polygamy is against the law.


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