Friday, April 04, 2008

Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf'

Ann Coulter uses her wit to compare Barack Hussein Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” to Adolf Hitler’s magnum opus “Mein Kampf.”

Now I personally have not Obama’s book (I don’t generally have time to read literature of the modern deluded Left) but I have a suspicion it is not quite as bad as “Mein Kampf.”

If European Elites were more attentive to Hitler’s book they may not have chosen the path of Appeasement. I mean “Mein Kampf” is all about the Aryan race ruling the world and disinfecting the world of Jews for of course the Jews are the cause of all that is wrong in the world.

Someone should have bopped the European Elite (especially Prime Minister Chamberlain) on the head and said something like, “You could have had a V-8.” Instead of opting for something healthy like resisting the Hitler arms build-up, the European Elites chose Appeasement making a mockery of Chamberlain’s deluded words, “Peace in our time.”

Could Obama be “Mein Kampf” style racist?

Let us
read Ann Coulter’s pithy evaluation of “Dreams From My Father.”

JRH 4/4/08

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