Sunday, December 11, 2005

Schroeder goes to work for the Russians

Here is an article that presents the position that certain European elites havepositioned themselves in a Russian/Mohammedan circle of interests. It leaves thereader to draw there own conclusions, yet definitly points to some kind ofconspiracy unbeneficial to Western Democracy.


Ed Lasky
12 10 05
American Thinker

After pushing their massive pipeline project as leader of German, Gerhard Schroeder goes ont he payroll of a state-controlled Russian company. Captains Quarters, picking up from Davidsmedienkritik, has the story.

Gee, I see a pattern. Chirac has had close associates on the payroll of SaddamHussein; the Russians have had their leaders also found to have been on thepayroll of Saddam; the Brits have George Galloway; now Germans have theirex-leader joining up with the Russians for a project he pushed as the leader ofGermany. Note, many people have a problem with this project because it will leadto the EU being more dependent on the Russians, with consequent adverse effectson their foreign policy.

There have been many who have speculated that Chirac was also on the payroll ofSaddam and that one of his reasons to stay in office is because, by virtue ofstaying in office, he is shielded from prosecution. His party members tried afast one in the last year to make the shield applicable to past office-holders,but this stunt was defeated.


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