Saturday, December 17, 2005

Jihad and the CIA

The CIA has become adversarial to the Bush Administration rather than an implementer of Executive policy. I suspect part of this is a huge lack of understanding of Mohammedanism. Here is an article from


Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald suggests some courses of action for the intelligence community:

How fares the C.I.A. with the jihad?

Mr. Scheuer, he of pseudo-“Anonymous” fame, who was supposedly “in charge” of the Bin Laden desk, was clearly not up to the task. Instead of low cunning, he offered a kind of Boy Scoutish, or rather Cub Scoutish, simplemindedness, and clearly understood nothing about the theory and practice of Islam. His every remark showed this. Yet apparently he was kept on for many years. The C.I.A. needs to have a cadre created, or expanded, of people who will be given the necessary leisure to read widely in the history of Islam -- and particularly to learn something about its teachings, and about Jihad-conquest, and about the very similar treatment, through time and space, of non-Muslims under Muslim rule. They then need to be trained in the fissures, or disgruntlements, within Islam itself. They need to learn as well about the points of obvious weakness that can be emphasized to non-Muslims all over the world, who are grossly underinformed about the nature of Islam.

One hopes that the C.I.A. is not pulling any punches about Islam. If it echoes the nonsense from the government about the “extremists” in Islam, and continues to offer a sanitized version of Islam instead of the Ibn Warraq or Ali Sina version, then there is not much to expect from those on whom we rely for our own security, and from whom we have a right to expect at least as hard-eyed a view as was taken by the secret services of America and England with the Nazis and then with the Communists. All pieties, all vagueness, all denial of reality, really have no place, whatever role they may have in public diplomacy (and it has been a grave error to define the current, and continuing, and endless but manageable conflict as a “war on terrorism” instead of as a “war against the Jihad”). And even the latter formulation, while much saner and more realistic, needs to be amplified: the Jihad has many instruments, and the three D’s -- Da’wa, demography, and dhimmitude -- are more potent, in the end, than intermittent terrorism.

Does the C.I.A. possess a sufficient number of agents who understand this? Is it making use of those who have an intimate knowledge both of Islam, and of all the techniques of those who form the small army of apologists of Islam? What use is made of Maronite, Copt, or Jewish native speakers of Arabic? What use is made of other secret services with longer experience in the relevant areas, including the French and Russian and British and Israeli intelligence services?

Where is the John Roy Carlson (author of “Under Cover”) who will infiltrate various Muslim groups and write a story that will electrify a mass audience? Or are the mass audiences that once existed now so jaded, or so unused to reading, or so unwilling to recognize that a world war is now upon us that is quite unlike any that has ever before occurred? So unlike earlier wars, in fact, that it is difficult to recognize the fact that it has actually been underway for a long time -- but only since 1973 have a concatenation of events begun to bring the conflict to a head, although few realized in ’73 or thereafter what was really happening. These events include, but are not limited to: $8-$10 trillion in oil revenues to Muslim OPEC states; the large-scale unopposed movement of millions of Muslims into Infidel countries; the redefinition of the Arab siege of Israel as a “struggle between two tiny peoples, etc.” or, still worse, a “struggle” by the “Palestinian people” against “occupation.” (Not one of the words or phrases can withstand critical scrutiny, but repetition has pushed them into our hapless consciousnesses.)

Combine all that with the clever use of “islamochristian” Arabs as front men (Naim Ateek, Hilarion Cappucci, Hanan Ashrawi), who all help to obscure the real nature of the “Palestinian” and Arab and Muslim hatred of Israel, not as an “occupier” but rather, as an Infidel sovereign state -- and, what is more, one that is on land that was once clearly part of dar al-Islam (though that should not console those of us who live on land that never was dar al-Islam, for the entire world ultimately must belong to Allah and to his People; no other result is possible). Then there is the widespread use of Arab oil money to buy influence among politicians, diplomats, C.I.A. agents, journalists, public relations experts, and others, all of whom with great success have helped conceal from the peoples of Europe and America the tenets and history of Islam.

This money has helped to keep tied up in knots even the most modest of efforts to limit, for example, the use of Saudi money to pay for mosques and madrasas all over the Western world, and to promote the spread not only of Islam, but of that version which is even more virulent than the others (although this should not be interpreted, as some have, to suggest that “only” Wahhabi Islam is the problem, because we have only to look at the Shi’a in southern Lebanon or Iran to see otherwise).

One hopes that the C.I.A. itself has not been infiltrated. The most important task is that of pedagogy. The C.I.A. has to have people who will be able to fully inform themselves, and not to worry constantly about a lawsuit from CAIR or similar groups. Certain home truths have to be understood and communicated. Those entrusted with the task of protecting and instructing us cannot allow themselves to be inhibited in the slightest by those whose loyalties are with Islam and with the Jihad to spread the power and dominance of Islam, however it is pursued.

Posted by Robert at December 17, 2005 08:58 AM


Always On Watch said...

Our government, including the CIA and the FBI is infiltrated with political correctness. Thus, the hard questions are not being asked.

This week, however, there was some hopeful information from the Pentagon. Have you seen the information about that Pentagon briefing?

SlantRight 2.0 said...

No AlwaysOnWatch I have not seen it. If you have a link go ahead and post it.