Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Jihad Precursor in Paris

Sir Vernon definitely places in perspective the handicaps of "politicalcorrectness" and the appeasement attitude toward Mohammedans. Attributes whichare both lethal to Western Society and Christian Values. To see more go to http://www.slantright.com.

by Sir Vernon Richards
08 November 2005

France is not lost yet …but it is well on its way; all civilizations that pay tribute to survive eventually fall.

November 6, 2005 brought the 10th night of continuing fighting and rioting (civil war) in the northeastern Clichy-sous-Bois suburb of Paris, now branching out to other suburbs. The mainstream media has bent over backwards to describe the miscreants as ‘disaffected youths,’ to prevent notification that the problems spring from the Muslim community, but truth can only be hidden so long. The rioting started after two Muslim young men accidentally electrocuted themselves running from police (after a break-in) by climbing a fence into an electrical substation.

Traore Bouna, 15, was previously convicted of robbery with violence, and Zyed Benna, 17, was among those who had intruded onto a building site which had prompted the police response. Police claim they were not in hot pursuit, but Muslim communities have convinced themselves that French officials are responsible. The melee continued, and for whatever reason, the rioting led to a tear gas canister being fired at a mosque on the 4th night. Whatever the circumstances, one suspects that praying might not have been the only activity going on in the Mosque that night. Of course, the incident further justified any and all forms of violence and destruction. Obviously, Traore and Zyed made a dangerous and foolish choice and are responsible for their own deaths; the entire incident has ‘pretext’ writ-large all over it. The opportunity for Muslims to assert themselves over inferior French authorities could not be passed by.

Rioters have hurled rocks, Molotov cocktails, and set innumerable fires in poor/immigrant (read Muslim) areas notorious for violence. Factories, markets, dealerships, a gymnasium, and several warehouses have been burned to the ground. A primary school and several public buildings have been attacked and vandalized. Other schools, a post office, and many other businesses have also been set afire. Thousands of vehicles and dozens of public busses have also been ignited and destroyed. Trains have been attacked, and police and firemen have even reported being shot at. In one attack, rioters in the suburb of Meaux prevented paramedics from evacuating a sick person from a housing project, pelting rescuers with rocks and then torching the waiting ambulance. A woman on crutches was doused in flammable liquid and set on fire as she tried to get off a bus being attacked, suffering severe burns. Several officers have also been injured with rocks, petrol bombs, and makeshift spears as riot police struggle to keep the area from becoming yet another European no-go region where law enforcement is abandoned to Muslim gangs. Even before the latest flare-up, over 9000 police cars were damaged by rocks this year alone in these same Muslim areas.

If you happen to be unemployed and looking for a job, it’s probably not a good idea to destroy transportation and businesses in your town. The rioting will not likely give entrepreneurs inspiration to base factories, warehouses, and businesses in lawless areas. Predictably (and right on cue), liberals and Islamic apologists have been shrill in their criticism of standard methods of law enforcement, and are demanding instead less 'repression.' Also on their list of demands are more education, housing, jobs, and increased direct support. In true dhimmi style, political leaders are beating a path to the feet of Muslim community leaders to beg for forgiveness and guidance. In case you missed the point, here are the demands of Frances Muslim community to the proud French people:

1. Should a Muslim decide to take the property of a Franco infidel, no non-Muslim may attempt to pursue or capture the alleged perpetrator, who is engaging in acts deemed halal (permitted) by the prophet Muhammad. (i.e. robbery, pillage, assault, murder, rape of non-believers).

2. Muslim communities shall have the right to run their own affairs in accordance with Sharia laws and self-anointed thugs ...er …enforcers.

3. Law enforcement shall not enter nor impose any restrictions in Muslim areas. Violating this provision will subject the infidel imperial forces to any and all means to expel them.

4. In accordance to the principals of jizya, law-abiding working French citizens and businesses shall provide adequate education, jobs, subsidized housing, and welfare payments which are rightly due to Muslims by infidels (from now to eternity).

5. Civil rights and free speech shall be subservient to Islamic demands for respect and ultra-sensitivity to even the slightest hint of criticism.

Of course, the raison d'être for all this is not really so much about repression, jobs, or poverty as mainstream media would have us believe …rather its all about Islamic pride and raw power. Muslims look forward to the day when, instead of the law forbidding it, France is aligned with other Islamic nations where all female students are required to wear the hijab (head scarf). Will the French be able to reach deep down and save themselves from their new Muslim masters, or will the white flag be produced yet again, signaling the beginning of the end to personal and religious freedoms, equality of the sexes, self-determination, and eventually, even French whine …er …wine.

French police are now using helicopters and tactical teams to try and chase down rioters speeding from one attack to another in cars and on motorbikes. The keystone cops are still at it in 2005; one can almost hear the rickety piano banging as the hapless police pursue their prey, never quite able catch up. Right now the over-developed sense of Islamic superiority seems to be trumping the usual French grandiose sense of supremacy, though a few well placed terrorist acts might yet change that equation. French intelligence recently disrupted al-Qaeda plans as cell members delayed while they bickered between bringing down the British Embassy, or the Eiffel tower. Still, things could be worse. Young French girls walking to school do not yet have to fear the boogey man leaping out and beheading them as girls in Indonesia do …for a few years anyway. As things continue to progress in their usual manner, French demographics will soon enough resemble Indonesia, with State relationships with all rapidly dwindling minorities also following the usual route as well.

Principles behind the enlightenment long ago yielded to irresponsible and excessive multiculturalism, with the result being a few hundred immigrant “youths” dictating surrender terms to actual Frenchmen. As French elitists and politicians debate what form of appeasement is needed to quell the violence and preserve their own positions, by violence and intimidation the Muslim community continues to define new boundaries of Islamic influence and domination in France. France is not lost yet …but it is well on its way; all civilizations that pay tribute to survive eventually fall. Chirac isn't exactly Charles (the Hammer) Martel of Poitiers fame, so this French intifada may well ebb and swell for years to come. As a practical matter, the intifada can only end with the complete surrender (if not expulsion) of the marauding Muslim forces, or the surrender and subjugation of non-Muslim French into the greater Eurabian caliphate.

This latest display of tolerance and peace has been brought to you by devout members of the world’s best religion. No one should gloat over the dilemma faced by the French; their plight today will be ours tomorrow.

Islam Undressed is a critical analysis of 'real' Islam, studying its people, politics, culture, philosophies, and practices yesterday and today. A copy of the book can be obtained by sending a request to Islam_Undressed@yahoo.com.

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