The analogy between Hitler and the rise of Islamofascism is not a new picture being portrayed by Conservatives. It seems the analogy is particularly pertinent to Iran which simultaneously openly speaks hatred of Israel and America while warning about the actions Iran will take if any nation (hmm … yeah, again Israel and/or Israel) does anything to hinder the Iranian nuke program. Incidentally everyone knows this Iranian nuke program is actually a Weapons of Mass Destruction program.
The powers that exist in this world blithely sit by believing that simply talking to Iranian leadership will convince that government how awful it would be to pursue the ability to nuke Israel. Iran says “let’s talk” and yet continues on its merry way to nuke WMD paradise with a policy of public denial or ok we’ll slow down or you can inspect what we’re doing to get out of Iran because we can do what we wish. In other words Iran with Nazi-like genius is putting the capable powers off until Iran has power to make a legitimate hegemonic move on the Middle East.
Just like in the 1930’s when the WWI weary pacifistic Europe thought talk and give and give would bring Hitler to his senses about European aggression, so are the EU powers and America slipping into the same trap again.
Hitler was emboldened by European give and give. How do you think Ahmadinejad (who has delusions of Islamic Messianism) will act after the EU promises of give and give to Iran?
Dr. Laurie Roth of the great State of Washington who was inspired by Thomas Sowell in turn inspired my thoughts on the old Hitler/Ahmadinejad analogy.
JRH 7/26/08
The powers that exist in this world blithely sit by believing that simply talking to Iranian leadership will convince that government how awful it would be to pursue the ability to nuke Israel. Iran says “let’s talk” and yet continues on its merry way to nuke WMD paradise with a policy of public denial or ok we’ll slow down or you can inspect what we’re doing to get out of Iran because we can do what we wish. In other words Iran with Nazi-like genius is putting the capable powers off until Iran has power to make a legitimate hegemonic move on the Middle East.
Just like in the 1930’s when the WWI weary pacifistic Europe thought talk and give and give would bring Hitler to his senses about European aggression, so are the EU powers and America slipping into the same trap again.
Hitler was emboldened by European give and give. How do you think Ahmadinejad (who has delusions of Islamic Messianism) will act after the EU promises of give and give to Iran?
Dr. Laurie Roth of the great State of Washington who was inspired by Thomas Sowell in turn inspired my thoughts on the old Hitler/Ahmadinejad analogy.
JRH 7/26/08
Full transcription of speech and comparison the Mein Kampf
Awesome AJ! The English translation of the hatred Ahmadinejad expresses against Jews is reprehensible.
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