As long as Congress allows no checks or balances to the ever growing power of America’s Judicial System (not just the Supreme Court), elected Executive Branch Presidents may shape the rule of law and social rights of years to come.
Notably the Federal Bench has been dominated by Left Wing ignore the Constitution and the will of the people to make up their own extra-Constitutional Rule of Law that is less based on the Constitution and more on a Secular Humanist utopian vision.
This is so evident that eight years of Bush appointees have not been stalled or forced to back down by Democratic Party gridlock on confirmation. The Democrats KNOW that if Conservative Appointees equal or overtake the Left Wing Activist Judges Constitutional Intent will be more the measuring stick than the decision by fiat of Left Wing Judges.
So you Americans that are neither fringe Leftists or fringe Rightists (like I tend to lean toward) had best consider the judicial system in your vote for America.
If you vote for Obama you are definitely voting for change; however I assure you it is not the kind of change that derails politics as usual as Obama implies. A vote for Obama will be a Vote for fringe Leftist Utopianism that will lead America on a path to socialism and multi-cultural diversity (meaning the enfranchisement of illegal aliens and the incorporation of foreign cultural laws –Sharia Law – into our culture).
A vote for McCain will be more of a Center-Right future. I know McCain will not appoint fringe Leftist Judges; however I suspect he will appoint centrist-Right Judges. There is no mystery how a Leftist activist Judge will create by fiat new extra-Constitutional Law. McCain’s Appointees may vote Left or Right but it will be more principled. Sadly a McCain Appointee will probably keep the status quo; however at least a McCain Appointee will not actively create new laws (at least not without a good deal of precedent).
Thomas Sowell has some excellent thoughts on how Judges shape the future based on who is elected.
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