I have discovered through a Move America Forward (MAF) email that the brave Patriotic American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq are not being accommodated with a simple way to vote in the November 2008 election.
Although I know there are a few Slanted Left military personal in the American Armed Services (e.g. HERE and HERE), for the most part they are Center Right politically.
America’s bureaucracy has a huge Slanted Left membership.
Ergo it should not be a shock as to why the government bureaucrats AND the Democrat Party dominated Congress is not providing an easy way for Armed Service Personnel to vote. The Leftists know the overwhelming support would be for McCain. In a close election this is a BIG DEAL.
Move America Forward is asking for monetary donations to organize the sending of Absentee Ballots to Armed Service Personal in foreign nations that would find it difficult to vote.
Thus I am posting MAF’s email ad to hopefully move readers to support the right to vote for soldiers overseas, Afghanistan and Iraq.
JRH 8/8/08
Melanie Morgan
Email Sent: Thu 8/7/2008 12:25 PM
Move America Forward
I was stunned when I learned our government has disenfranchised the very people who give YOU AND ME the freedom to vote. United States troops have liberated people in Iraq and Afghanistan and given them the gift of voting. Remember the purple fingers? It is outrageous that our troops don't have the same ability to vote as they fight for America.
When we heard about this, we couldn't believe it could be true. But after we have thoroughly researched it, the ugly truth is starting to come out. Most U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will not get a chance to vote this year because bureaucrats and politicians in Washington have done absolutely nothing to repair a systemic problem that literally stops most of our troops from voting.
We need to urgently print absentee ballot applications and send them to the troops directly ourselves since politicians and bureaucrats have totally failed them. But we need your help to pay for the cost of printing the absentee ballot applications and the mailing costs to Iraq and Afghanistan. If you can help, please CLICK HERE and make a contribution.
The worst thing about this is that we are suspicious that there is more than bureaucratic incompetency at work here. You and I have worked together to support our troops and their mission. But there are those who oppose us; they know the troops support their mission to rid the world of Islamic terrorists who are bent on destroying the United States. We can't help but believe that some of this failure is caused by leftist anti-troop bureaucrats and politicians who DON'T WANT THE TROOPS TO VOTE!
Only 5.5 percent of U.S. troops serving overseas were able to vote and actually have their vote counted in 2006, according to the Federal Election Assistance Commission. We should be guaranteeing that EVERY SINGLE MILITARY MAN AND WOMAN will have their ballot counted. CLICK HERE IF YOU CAN HELP
The House and Senate are currently stalling on legislation that would improve troops' access to voting. A resolution for Congress to crack down on the Department of Defense to streamline the voting process for soldiers has been introduced by Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO), but the proposal has been blocked by politicians in the House of Representatives. Blunt's resolution is now stuck in the House Armed Services subcommittee with no prospects of moving forward.
But while we fight the battle in Congress, you can help our troops participate in the freedom of voting that they fight for everyday. Move America Forward has a plan to assist our men and women in war zones who want to vote!
We want to send 100,000 federal post card applications to our troops to help ensure every serviceman or servicewoman can get the ballots they need to vote. MAF has put together a HEROES' VOTING PACKET that will help give our soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen the information they need to get a ballot and have their vote counted in 2008
But voting deadlines are rapidly approaching in some states and the mail delivery times from Iraq and Afghanistan can be long. We must get the packets printed now, but we don't have the funds to do it. We need your help so our military men and women will be able to vote.
Please help our military heroes get the paperwork they need:
You may also mail in a check or money order (payable to "Move America Forward") to:
Move America Forward
P.O. Box 1497
Sacramento, CA 95812
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