Thursday, February 14, 2008

Single Issue Republicans – Get Over Yourself and Unite!

Republicans have come to a cross road in which serious voting thoughts must be weighed. Senator McCain has the math on his side and there is no way Huckabee will win the nomination except by a true supernatural act of God in the realm of miracles.

Now I am a Christian that believes God works miracles today as much as in Old Testament and New Testament days; however I believe the reality of the situation is that Huckabee is a politician. Huckabee’s acquisition of delegates could make McCain’s margin of victory slim.

Huckabee may be destined to lose the nomination however the more delegates he acquires the more power and influence he will have at the Republican Convention. The kind of influence that could broker a deal to Huckabee's advantage with Republican unanimity with Social Conservatives as myself with McCain moderates, maverick and RINO Republicans. Huckabee may be able to acquire a Veep nomination or a Cabinet Post or influence the choosing of another Veep nomination.

Huckabee’s influence with Social Conservatives is obvious; however fiscal and America First Conservatives dislike Huckabee as much as they dislike McCain. Huckabee had a reputation of taxation and illegal alien sanctuary in Arkansas. McCain has a black mark with the questionably Constitutional McCain/Feingold Legislation and illegal alien amnesty.

I have come to the conclusion that single issues have splintered Conservatives because the Candidates that could appeal to multiple issues (like my man Fred) have been unwisely dispatched by short sighted voters of the moment failing to see the big picture of which the Republicans are in now. Since the Conservative voters screwed up early, it is time to get over the single issue position the voters have gotten themselves into.

It is cool that Huckabee is making a stand of influence; I don’t have a problem with that.

The big thing for Conservative voters is not repeat the screw-up of earlier Primaries and Caucuses. Pundits like Coulter and Rush (who I like by the way) must think of the long road at this moment. Sure write their misgivings about McCain but get over those misgivings and think of the one issue that McCain is reputed to be effective.

That issue is the Global War on Terror (GWOT). I am betting McCain will be a one term President if he wins in November. I also suspect McCain will be too occupied in cleaning up the GWOT to accomplish anything Social Conservatives fear. And during the GWOT McCain will have to listen to the America First (anti-illegal alien crowd) to activate political support for the agenda on the GWOT.

I am saying to my fellow Conservatives – GET OVER IT!

Let us unite to keep the fringe Democrats gaining power. The fringe Democrats WILL do that which Social Conservatives fear. The fringe Democrats will be pro-illegal alien and matriculate a cheap American citizenship or Entitlements to undeserving non-citizens. So if you do not vote for McCain for these reasons, you will guarantee Social Liberalism and a special status for illegal aliens by voting against McCain.

It is time to think of November 2008 and Republican unity to keep the fringe Democrats OUT. Conservatives live and regroup for another day. That day will more than likely be 2012 with what I believe to be a one term President if McCain is elect in 2008.

I like what Oliver North has to say about McCain and his essay
Decision Time for Republicans moved me to think of Republican unity and to rally voters to turn out for McCain. Currently the Democrats are kicking Republican butts in voter turn out. Republican divisiveness and the current Democratic voter turn-out will see a fringe Democrat as President in 2008. I am not willing to gamble on a one term Democratic Party President. Bill Clinton was evil incarnate to Conservatives and was actually Impeached, yet Slick Willie completed two full terms as President with a delusionaly high favorability rating.

My fellow Republicans of all issues DO NOT RISK IT!


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