Friday, February 01, 2008

Ahmadinejad: Filthy Zionist Entity has NO Reason to Exist

When will the West wise up and understand that its thirst for oil is not a valid reason to allow a regionally influential leader as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to remain in power. The West has to at least wake up about Ahmadinejad’s pursuit of nuclear power which regardless of the Bush hating NIE Report is obviously pursuing a geopolitical strategy to attack in person or by proxy the Land Israel.

How can I say this? How can I measure such a conclusion? Astoundingly I can come to this conclusion by
the very Islamofascist mouth of President Ahmadinejad of Iran.

    Ahmadinejad made his latest statements in a speech given in the southern Iranian town of Bushehr, where Iran’s first light-water nuclear reactor is being built by Russia. The speech was broadcast live on Iran’s state-run television. He addressed world nations, advising them to "abandon the filthy Zionist entity which has reached the end of the line."


    "[Israel] has lost its reason to exist and will sooner or later fall. The ones who still support the criminal Zionists should know that the occupiers' days are numbered…Accept that the life of the Zionists will sooner or later come to an end." Ahmadinejad said that the “final chapter” has begun in which the Arabs of Israel, together with “regional nations” will confront Israel and bring about “Palestine.”

Hello! Is this a nation or a leader of a nation that the world wants to allow to possess nuclear power that can easily be turned into a weapon horrific devastation upon neighbors which do not agree with
Iranian Mohammedan apocalyptic-political scenarios to usher in the return of their cult mythos Mahdi?

Is there any sanity for America, the EU, Russia, China and India (Nuclear powers all) to all such a thing to happen? Is there even a slice of sanity to think that the sliver of a nation known as Israel should wait until Iran possesses nuclear warheads on missiles that are more than capable of reaching the Jewish State to make good on Ahmadinejad’s defecating mouth?

Dear God in Heaven or even dear Marxist Proletarian of the Sino World or the secular but mostly Hindu Indian sub-continent or even the pride of the Russian bear: Someone explain to me how such a person can remain in power in light of Europe’s attempt to exterminate Jews under the similar rhetoric of Adolf Hitler leader of Nazi Germany and a messianic believer of the Aryan race exporting the Nazi cult globally.

I mean, am I missing something here? Is the world to be mired in the mud of Appeasement until a nuclear weapon detonates wiping out millions of Jews in a heartbeat before a unified action is taken against Ahmadinejad?

Come on world awaken from the slumber of status quo and take care of business now and spank Ahmadinejad.



Anonymous said...

You are insane. Bush's comments (and yours) are more likened to Hitler's comments than yours. The nationalism and xenophobia that you exhibit are the true dangers. They both existed in Nazi Germany - where if you look to Iran you'll find a more educated populace that won't give Ahmadinejad the political capital to ever launch an attack.

The true danger of a nation is when it is a powerful hegemon and nationalism and fear are stoked by it's leader, and the populace follows. This situation runs much more parallel to Nazi Germany, and the present day United States, than Iran. Read your history books. Quit miming Rush Limbaugh.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Insanity is supporting a person who actually admires Adolf Hitler and his plan for a "Final Solution" for Jews.

I am not even close to being xenophobic as much as protecting American freedom and Liberty against an Islamofascist that would see America demolished if he could.

Ahmadinejad's Islam is nearly a mirror image of the fanatic Nazi cult of Hitler's Germany. There is no such thing in Consevative America. The closest America has come to violent fanaticism is the Left's one time openly embracing Stalinist-Communism in which old Stalin was the object of cult fanaticism.

Dude you need to give up your revisionist history books and read the real history supported by actual facts.

Click HERE for a little realistic enlightenment.