Sunday, April 09, 2006

What Could Happen If Bush Administration Responds to Plamegate

Fitzgerald (the Prosecutor) has released a legal finding that Libby said the President and Vice President were involved in authorizing data to the public. If you are a conservative it very apparent it is a political ploy to embarass the President. Why is it obvious? Fitzgerald himself says there are NO accusations that either the President or Vice President did anything illegal! Therefore this is all about the Liberals attempting to derail Bush's conservative agenda and to drive the poll numbers down.

Now Senator Specter (a RINO) is calling for a full disclosure of Presidential involvement in Plamegate. The are a couple of observations that need to be made relating to Specter's public statement.

If the President has the ability to exonerate Libby and chooses not to, it could be related to a couple of scenarios.

(1) The President has something to hide about the time sequence which might be humbling to the Administration. Note I said humbling and not illegal, the President as Chief Executive definitely has the authority on what information to release or not to release to the public.
(2) The President may not release information period because it could be yet another nail in the coffin exposing methods and confidences to America's enemies.

Either way the President will be villified by the MSM. This just might be a now win situation for the President as far as the public and persecution of a friend is concerned.

On the otherhand, there might be ways to aid Libby and embarrass Fitzgerald and the Liberals if the President can release documents without hurting National Security and aiding Libby at the same time. What an in your face coup that would be against the Democratic Party.

Let us hope the President considers his options wisely and proceeds in a fashion that protects National Security and slaps mud in the face of leftist Liberals in America.

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