Thursday, April 20, 2006

Israel Must Commit to Victory Over the Palestinians

The Ayn Rand Institute represents the objectivist brand of Libertarianism in which Ayn Rand represented in her life time. Rand tended to be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. The objective life is a conservative brand of Secular Humanism.

When I was younger I was a huge devotee of Ayn Rand. In fact, much of her writings are still attractive to my train of thought. Conversely though, I am a radical Christian; the very way of thinking that Rand railed against as mystical hogwash. So I do have differences today.

In light of this I recently read what ARI calls "Letters to the Editor." I always find that interesting because most often the Letters are from Dr. Yaron Brook. Dr. Brook might not be the Editor at ARI but he is the Executive Director. Dr. Brook wrote an interesting Letter to the Editor that is definitely anti-Palestinian. Of course I totally agree with him. Here is his take:
Israel Must Commit to Victory Over the Palestinians
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
By: Yaron Brook
Ayn Rand Institute

Dear Editor:
For more than a decade, Israel allowed Yasser Arafat and his regime to pretend they wanted peace with Israel while sponsoring terrorism against it. The new Hamas government shows no inclination to play Arafat's games. They have learned from Israel's recent retreat from Gaza and its weakness in response to the Intifada that no such games are necessary.

Thus, after the most recent suicide bombing against Israel--the first since the election of the Hamas government--they saw no reason to condemn the attack as Arafat did, but called it a "heroic act."

To secure its citizens, Israel must assert its right to self-defense. It must hold Hamas responsible for Palestinian terrorism and do what it should have done years ago: it must commit itself to victory over the Palestinians--crushing their government (Hamas and the PA), eliminating their terrorist infrastructure, disarming their pseudo-police and making evident to all Palestinians the horrific consequences of continued violence against Israelis. Only a long-term commitment to such a policy, to a policy for victory, a policy of active engaged warfare can secure the lives of Israelis.

Dr. Yaron Brook
Executive Director
Ayn Rand Institute

Brook's point: Develop a policy with Victory as the end in mind and pursue it. Only Victory will end the agressive terrorism of so-called Palestinian-Arabs. Appeasement and giving land in the hope of ending the violence does not encourage peace among the Mohammedans, rather such action emboldens the Islamofascist terrorists to execute more violence to achieve their ends. Again, Dr. Brook is absolutely correct.

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