Monday, March 30, 2009

UN council votes to criminalize 'defamation' of Islam

Here is an ACT! For America email alert showing that Islam is making a notorious effort to dhimmify the globe. By “dhimmify” I mean the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is wielding its oil and U.N. membership to make it illegal to criticize the Theo-political religious cult known as Islam (and which I prefer to call by its founder ergo Mohammedanism).

Of the forty-seven member
U.N. Human Rights (totalitarian) Council a majority of nations actually voted to criminalize criticism of Mohammedanism. I am guessing the thirteen members that abstained mostly did so out of the oil fear/Islamic terrorist connection. At least most of the Western nations stood by Free Speech. Eleven Western nations stood up for Free Speech.

So of the forty-seven member council
23 voted to criminalize criticism of Mohammedanism and 24 members did NOT vote for the criminalization of criticism of Mohammedanism.

JRH 3/30/09

UN council votes to criminalize 'defamation' of Islam

ACT! For America
Email Sent: March 30, 2009 11:12:24 AM

It’s been brewing for some time. Muslim countries have been pressing for a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution calling on nations around the world to pass laws criminalizing the alleged “defamation” of religion – specifically Islam.

This week the Council passed the resolution.

The good news is that Western nations and over 100 faith groups opposed this resolution. The bad news is that efforts by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have paid off in getting such a resolution passed – and we can count on the OIC to continue its global campaign to criminalize free speech that allegedly “defames” Islam.

This is not the only tactic the OIC is pursuing in this regard. At last year’s OIC conference, the conference supported efforts to look for legal strategies to fight back against the alleged “defamation” of Islam. Translation: lawsuits around the world funded by petrodollars.

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