My man Fred Thompson is the best man to lead America in the next Administration. As a Republican, Fred does have some baggage; however way less than any other candidate that is electable except John McCain. On McCain, I think he would be a great leader in war (that the Democrats are trying to lose); however I believe McCain’s Conservative bona fides is unpredictable. I sense McCain would sacrifice social issues in compromise to push an agenda through to his liking. McCain may line with the Democratic Party Christophobes to move things along in a McCain Administration. I do not like that thought.
I really like Huckabee’s stand to vocally utilize Christianity as a political forum. Way too many Republicans are too concerned about being Politically Correct in addressing Christian Conservative social issues. On the other hand is Huckabee stumping for votes that he may later abandon due to the pressures of Presidential politics? Huckabee’s history makes him a Conservative gamble in trustworthiness; however fighting for Christian Conservative social issues is something I believe could reverse the moral darkness that the moral relativity of Secular Humanism (err … Democratic Party) has infected America’s culture.
Here is the latest update email I have received from the Fred Thompson’s Fred08 Blog:
The part you should notice is the insightful endorsement of Fred Thompson for President by the Ottumwa Courier. If you are convinced Fred is the man as I am you may wish to consider to help in some way with the links for donations or leg work.
I really like Huckabee’s stand to vocally utilize Christianity as a political forum. Way too many Republicans are too concerned about being Politically Correct in addressing Christian Conservative social issues. On the other hand is Huckabee stumping for votes that he may later abandon due to the pressures of Presidential politics? Huckabee’s history makes him a Conservative gamble in trustworthiness; however fighting for Christian Conservative social issues is something I believe could reverse the moral darkness that the moral relativity of Secular Humanism (err … Democratic Party) has infected America’s culture.
Here is the latest update email I have received from the Fred Thompson’s Fred08 Blog:
Great news this morning from the Iowa bus tour. An important Iowa newspaper endorses Fred for President!
"Thompson is unapologetic on his views and is a straight-shooter," writes the Ottumwa Courier. Read why this Iowa newspaper say Thompson is the best man to lead America... http://www.ottumwacourier.com/opinion/local_story_360221446.html?keyword=secondarystory· "...Thompson believes work must continue in Iraq despite growing concerns American troops should return home. We have to 'finish what we're doing,' he said, adding the United States must continue the fight there and in Afghanistan."
· "On economic issues, Thompson is blunt. The time is now to reform the American economy. He says the country needs 'market-based approaches to reform that guarantee benefits for those who need them and embrace personal responsibility and cost-effectiveness without raising taxes.'"
· "Thompson said 'it is a moral imperative that requires action now' and he wants a full account of the government's fiscal books for 'all to see and understand.'"
· "The man from Tennessee is no-nonsense, speaks plainly and believes action is needed now, not later.... Fred Thompson will do just that."
Fred is back in Iowa this week, where he continues the final push to the caucus on January 3rd. And he has a terrific new TV spot. You can see it now at Fred08.com. Take a look, and forward this message on to 10 of your friends.
Fred needs your help to put it on the air. We need to put $248,846 in the bank before 6 PM EST on Friday, December 28th to do it.
As of this morning, we've raised more than $70,000. With your help, we can reach our goal for Fred! You can be part of the momentum by making a contribution today.
In 1996, more than 40% of Republican caucus voters said they made their decision of who to vote for in the final week. Click here to watch video of a couple from Creston, IA. 5 Republican presidential candidates have come through their town, but after hearing Fred last night, they believe he's the right man to lead America and take the GOP to victory in 2008! Together, we can move votes to Fred if we get his TV ad on the air!
Show your support today by donating or signing up to make phone calls into Iowa to encourage people to vote for Fred on January 3rd.
The part you should notice is the insightful endorsement of Fred Thompson for President by the Ottumwa Courier. If you are convinced Fred is the man as I am you may wish to consider to help in some way with the links for donations or leg work.
1 comment:
I am doing my part also.
Go Fred!!
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