Friday, July 28, 2006

Cease-fire calls ring hollow in light of WWII history

Thomas Sowell has compared contemporary calls for cease-fire to be as affective as the cease-fire calls were in 1939 just after Germany invaded Poland. Hitler used the time to transfer his military machine to confront France. If France would have invaded right after their joint declaration of war along side Britain, their greater strength might have put a nip in the bud of Europe's WWII. Instead Hitler used the time to transfer troops resulting in the demise of France in six weeks.

Then Hitler proceeded to exterminate six million Jews.

Sowell's criticism of calls for "cease-fire" is well warranted. Frankly, I am amazed Israel has not set out to exterminate terrorist infrastructure much earlier. I am certain that which has restrained Israel is America and Western nations that falsely believe that talk with terrorists will work out a peaceful solution. If I am correct (I am), talk only allows time for terrorists to arm themselves and plan destructive agendas. Surely the West and America must awaken to the fact the one thing ALL Islamofascist terrorist organizations have in common is the utter destruction of the Land of Israel and the Jews that live there. The Islamofascist plan is a 21st century holocaust more brutally bloody than even Hitler's Final Solution of the 20th century.

As for the UN, HELLO! The UN is dominated in its Assembly by Third World nations that listen to the Islamofascist credo. Kofi Annan is a Mohammedan. The UN only agenda is to satisfy the constituent nations that dominate it. That leaves that organization a proven corrupt organization impotent to the Charter of its original founding. The only reason the UN has any political clout is the forum of the Security Council and the discussions of the real Global powers on that Council. If America was not that Council it would be a War Council to eradicate Israel.

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